Friday, May 1, 2009

love or anger?

One day a father was repairing
his car.the engine of the car was not working and he was using his
tools and was very VERY angry..
Suddenly he heard some scratching on one side of his car and saw that
his son had been doing this...
Out of anger,he started beating him
While doing this,he didnt realise that he had wrench in his hands

The boy was severely wounded and was declared dead at hospital

The father came back from hospital and saw his car again...

his son had scratched "I love you my dad"

Anger and love have no limits but we should control the former...its what we choose....we become


raman said...

dude! this is not ur stuff.
ive read it so many times earlier.
be original..
everybody can copy paste

factually fantastic said...

Yes i agree wid u Raman its not my work
Its just that i liked it thats why its on my blog
But i can assure that in future u wil get to see my own original piece of work as i am currently working on it

Abhishek Gupta said...

but still its a good thing to post.....atleast its not like other immature content available online.....

factually fantastic said...

I appreciate u abhishek,praising someone is a thing many people find hard to do