Saturday, May 21, 2011


There are a lot of benefits of reading... but here are a few:
It expands your vocabulary. It improves your spelling. It helps you understand different ways of life. It helps you understand different ideas. It helps you learn to communicate. It helps us find other people like ourselves. It can be fun to read new stories and find out what happens. It expands your imagination. It helps you know what other people know, so that instead of repeating their mistakes and experiments, you can expand upon them and go farther as a community. It helps you drive from one place to another. It allows you the freedom to find out what other humans have had to say over the years. It helps you know what drugs are in which bottles. It helps when you have to mute the TV because you can read the subtitles and still know what is happening. It helps you go on the internet and interact.
I could go on... for days, probably. But that is a start.
A few important 'practical' benefits of reading can be:
Reading can make one learn not only languages but cultures and rituals of civilizations by making an individual live the past, present or future of places he or she has never been to.
It is like a manual to handle a device called life where in there are so many possible situations and options where in what counts is the experience. Reading makes an individual benefit out of the worldly experiences of people and help shape an intellect out of that learning, help take decisions on occasions where in one has to be in the same shoes as that of any other individual already been there.


I was just browsing through websites and encountered the following comment:

India sucked. For young guys like us, its an awful place. Here are the pro's and cons:

- lots of culture & spirituality. Lots of temples. Lots of old shit to see.
- cheap. I got a driver to drive me around Delhi and show me all the sites for 6 hours for $8 (but read the cons, some things are expensive)

- You will not get laid. Seriously.
- Its dirty & dusty. Significantly more than any other place I've ever been.
- Expensive Hotels (the only decent places to stay are the 4 or 5 star hotels. $200 a night. Anything cheaper and you have the chance of getting your shit stolen, or the bed being to dirty to sleep in)
- Poverty. Lots of it.
- Unhappy culture. The people are very unhappy. Its a vibe thats in the air. I've been to other poor countries (such as thailand and the phillipines) where the people are genuinely happy. Not in India.
- Virtually no nightlife

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I am writing this post in not a very good mood so if my complaints fret you over and you happen to be one of those the megalomaniacs type then you can happily avoid this post.

But if you have chosen otherwise...

Its one of those times in your life when everything seems worthless,nothing seems to amuse you and in every situation you find yourself to be forcefully smiling even though you don't like it internally.No guys ! ....this is not a post about someone who is weening about how his dating life sucks or how his last couple of girlfriends dumped him.No.
In-fact,it has got nothing to do with any of that.

these are actually my general feelings towards life nowadays.
worthless,purposeless,careless,misunderstood,rude, and finally ruthless.
Life looks quite perplexing right now and I often end up looking into black space at night thinking absolutely nothing, although many things try to occupy my mind.

Days pass which make me feel like i m a machine without any human emotions and a body without any soul and above all a person without any qualities.someone without any future.No financial security.absolutely nothing.I feel "It wouldn't make any difference if you were not here-you are totally unnecessary" your thoughts and opinions don't matter to anyone"

You guys might have concluded up-till now that the blogger is very pessimistic but if my true feelings are like this then I can't really help it.
Can I?

Sorry for a very stupid and boring post but I wanted to blurt it out somewhere.And What can be better than your own blog?