Saturday, May 21, 2011


I was just browsing through websites and encountered the following comment:

India sucked. For young guys like us, its an awful place. Here are the pro's and cons:

- lots of culture & spirituality. Lots of temples. Lots of old shit to see.
- cheap. I got a driver to drive me around Delhi and show me all the sites for 6 hours for $8 (but read the cons, some things are expensive)

- You will not get laid. Seriously.
- Its dirty & dusty. Significantly more than any other place I've ever been.
- Expensive Hotels (the only decent places to stay are the 4 or 5 star hotels. $200 a night. Anything cheaper and you have the chance of getting your shit stolen, or the bed being to dirty to sleep in)
- Poverty. Lots of it.
- Unhappy culture. The people are very unhappy. Its a vibe thats in the air. I've been to other poor countries (such as thailand and the phillipines) where the people are genuinely happy. Not in India.
- Virtually no nightlife

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